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Cat: Small Fry
By: piperbaby 10.07.2013 00:44 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Small Fry Tags:
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iluvcats 11.07.2013 18:12 | Flag
Small Fry -- look at you - - what a precious one you are! Kiss, kiss
Hayfa 10.07.2013 18:53 | Flag
you are looking good and you are so cute
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Cat's Pictures
About this cat
This is Small Fry whom we found at a french fry stand begging for food scraps. No one paid any attention to him so I went to see if he had any identification. When I picked him up it was obvious he had been abandoned, he was skin and bones and had bad eye infections. I just couldn't leave him there so I brought him home.
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