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Cat: Smokey
By: SmokeyDokey 21.12.2011 19:35 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Smokey Tags:
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tele_mark 22.12.2011 17:34 | Flag
No One should have only one cat! :-)
Eli 22.12.2011 09:03 | Flag
She's really lovely and I'm sure Smokey enjoys her company. Can't you keep her? Were there's one, there is room for another one :))
pmgr111 21.12.2011 21:50 | Flag
How sweet they look. I hope the new kitty doesn't have to go to the shelter.
eelias 21.12.2011 20:21 | Flag
They make quite a pair!
iluvcats 21.12.2011 19:49 | Flag
Oh dear me ... what a sweet pal for Smokey ... poor little stray kitty ... hope it all works out for the best ...
SmokeyDokey 21.12.2011 19:42 | Flag
Smokey and another cat that we don't know exactly where she came from. We don't think a neighbor owns her, but we are checking into that. She stays around our house all day, and Smokey surprisingly seems to get along well. We don't know if she is spayed, but Smokey is neutered. We are going out of town very soon, and we need to find her owner, or find her a home (hopefully we won't have to give her to the humane society, for that would minimize the hopes of finding her a home), and we cannot keep her as much as we would like to. She is sweet, loving, friendly, makes herself at home more than any other new cat, she seems healthy (at least from the outside), Its going to hurt to see her go, even though its only been about a week since she showed up.
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About this cat
Domestic Longhair mix. Loves everybody even if they don't love him. :)
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