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By: candyapple 17.11.2008 23:58 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Murphy Harper Tags:
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Sirminzi 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
This pic shows: We are feeling well!
Eli 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
It's absolutely fantastic that you are keeping Harper!!!
catdaddy 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Hi there cutie-pies!
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Great faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love this!!!
Stacey 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
I hope Momma finds a nice, quiet and loving home :) I'm sure you'll find a great home for her!
candyapple 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Harper is a sweetie, she purrs when you talk to her and she sleeps next to me with River also. One on each side! I love them all dearly and I never thought I would have 5 cats. I am looking for a home for Momma though, for a senior.
candyapple 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Murphy is 8 months old now and a little pistol pot!
iluvcats 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Oh Candy - - I'm so happy you are keeping Harper!!!! What fun - - - look at little Murphy growing sooooo fast!!!! CAT-TASTIC FAMILY!!!
Stacey 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
Oh please do keep Harper! She's so gorgeous and sweet! Murphy is growing up! How old is he now?
candyapple 14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
I think we are going to keep Harper. She really hit it off with Murphy and they they are so precious together. Pella and River are warming up to her also. Momma doesn't care for any of them.
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