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By: tele_mark 17.01.2019 18:19 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Mikesch Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags: group
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Claire 19.01.2019 08:46 | Flag
Hopefully it will get sorted out now that they know what they're dealing with. Claire is proof that they can recover from it. Her case was so bad that she was put on narcotics for the pain, but she is just fine today.
tele_mark 17.01.2019 21:21 | Flag
I hope so. This has been going on since September.
Napicat 17.01.2019 19:43 | Flag
I guess I can relate to this experience. I find it best to deal with the owners. It's just good you got this figured out.
tele_mark 17.01.2019 19:25 | Flag
The problem with the sponge was also discovered. Everytime this happened, they prescribed steroids to enhance his appetite, but didn't tell me to stop when he started eating, so he just got so voracious that he couldn't get enough to eat and started eating bad things.
doerscheln 17.01.2019 19:18 | Flag
Poor Ambercat, hope the prescription diet will work now but to eat a sponge wasn‘t a good idea, too. Seems it‘s a bit difficult to diagnose pancreatitis. You maybe remember that Willi and Moritz suffered from pancreatitis, too. It took a long time until my old vet found out what was wrong with Willi, my new Vet was better with Moritz.
tele_mark 17.01.2019 18:23 | Flag
Ambercat had yet another episode last week and again had to go to the vet for care. This time, the vet was the owner of the place, and he quickly diagnosed Ambercat has having pancreatitis, and a blood test confirmed it. The two vets that treated him the last three times, a mother/daughter team, have been fired. He wouldn't tell me if it was related. So now he's going on a prescription diet.
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