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By: tele_mark 04.10.2018 21:18 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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MickeysMom 05.10.2018 14:13 | Flag
No matter how tame the heart they are all lions!
tele_mark 05.10.2018 06:43 | Flag
Well, he barfed it up in CatTown, under the bed. I came home from work to a big ugly pile of guts and everything else, LOL! Thank god for Clorox Foaming spray and paper towels! He was on Cloud Nine when I was praising him for being such a great hunter!
Claire 04.10.2018 23:12 | Flag
Mmmm, chipmuuunnnkk!
tele_mark 04.10.2018 21:22 | Flag
While getting ready to head out to work today, I did the head count on the cats, and couldn't find Mikesch. So I checked outside once more, and didn't find him. After loading the car, I was going into the house to look for him again, when I walked byu the washing machine, and found him under the shelf there. He had the back legs and tail of a chipmunk hanging out of his mouth! Somehow he managed to catch one in the enclosure! Ambercat went over to him and nearly got his head taken off, and I had to leave for work, so hopefully he won't bring the rest of it upstairs, and will not barf up what he ate!
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