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By: doerscheln 07.05.2018 17:24 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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pmgr111 10.05.2018 23:52 | Flag
Ok, thanks
tele_mark 09.05.2018 02:49 | Flag
The Ginger Cat Gang
pmgr111 08.05.2018 15:44 | Flag
Is it Ginger Cat Lovers? That's what I came up with on my fb search? I'll try looking for Ambercat pictures.
pmgr111 08.05.2018 15:35 | Flag
And yes doerschein you would be in for it with TWO ginger cats. I have only one and it is hell on four paws.
pmgr111 08.05.2018 15:34 | Flag
I'm interested in the Face Book group on Ginger cats. What is the name of it? Let me guess, it's probably Ginger Cats. I'm going to try that after I get on to FB.
doerscheln 08.05.2018 13:20 | Flag
Other cats, martens, a fox maybe, not more predators than here , cars are the main risk. Actually there don't drive so many cars on this road but many of them drive very fast, much faster than allowed . I have seen some dead cats on this street since I live here. And yes, they are barn cats now. The farmer told me, that all kittens were born in his bed but three days ago the mothers brought the kittens into the barn. The farmer tries to find them.
tele_mark 08.05.2018 12:50 | Flag
Why do they have a risk on the farm? Are they barn cats? Predators?
doerscheln 08.05.2018 09:29 | Flag
One of the farmers has called just a moment ago. Two of his girls have kittens now, about one week old, all Ginger cats and calicos . Hope they will all survive the next weeks on the farm......
tele_mark 08.05.2018 06:45 | Flag
Possibly TWO gingers? Oh boy, you're in for it!
doerscheln 08.05.2018 06:26 | Flag
Elisabeth, die Chancen stehen sehr gut auf einen, vielleicht sogar zwei Rote. In zwei Tierheimen habe ich mich vormerken lassen und bei drei Bauern, die rote oder dreifarbige Katzen haben. Ich bin auch schon ganz aufgeregt, habe schon alles gekauft für die Kleinen. Sofern sie da sind, poste ich Fotos.😺
Eli 08.05.2018 06:16 | Flag
Martina, ich kann es nicht mehr erwarten deine neuen Kätzchen zu sehen!!! Ist ein Oranger mit dabei? :))
doerscheln 08.05.2018 06:15 | Flag
Oh, okay and of course your Ambercat is very popular on FB , too, he's a Darling. I"m glad, you and the boys are doing well.
tele_mark 08.05.2018 05:17 | Flag
Just busy here. And, have been doing something I swore I'd never do -- posting of Facebook! I joined a group devoted to ginger cats, and Ambercat is very popular there!
doerscheln 08.05.2018 04:14 | Flag
Well, yes, if the litter consists of at most three kittens then it will be a whole family 😻 After living together with old and chronically ill cats for many years I want to adpot a kitten and a kitten needs a playmate. Although I can't wait it I have to wait some more weeks, most of the kittens are just born. Are you and the boys okay ? There was nothing from you on Picato for some weeks.
tele_mark 07.05.2018 20:13 | Flag
Wonderful! Cats? Plural? You're getting a whole family? Awesome!
doerscheln 07.05.2018 17:28 | Flag
Until I can post my next cats.....These cats live in our garden 😸
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