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By: tele_mark 09.09.2017 20:02 « prev | next »
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doerscheln 11.09.2017 23:27 | Flag
Ah, okay thanks, I didn't know the english word, we call girls that look like Skittles Schildpatt Katzen, I've never seen a Schildpatt boy before.
tele_mark 11.09.2017 21:03 | Flag
My sister has definitely confirmed he's a boy. I have to trust her judgement, as she's a retired nurse, LOL! Apparently this type of cat is called a "Torbie" -- tortoise-shell tabby
tele_mark 11.09.2017 15:05 | Flag
He should be getting fixed soon, They're just waiting for him to put on weight. Then maybe we'll see if he's rare, or another "Princess/Ambercat"!
doerscheln 11.09.2017 11:05 | Flag
I have talked to my vet today about Skittles and she says that it is maybe easier to win millions in the lottery than to adopt a three-colored boy because they are so rare. So, your sister has won the Jackpot ! Or the boy is a girl !? I remember that mistakes like this can happen. ;-)
doerscheln 10.09.2017 17:32 | Flag
Oh, I didn't expect this answer. How sad that Squirrley passed away.
tele_mark 10.09.2017 16:48 | Flag
Mischeif is still doing great. Squirrley passed away last summer.
tele_mark 10.09.2017 15:25 | Flag
Wow, very interesting! I guess he is a very special cat!
doerscheln 10.09.2017 14:50 | Flag
How are your brothers girls doing ? Mischief and Squirrley ?
doerscheln 10.09.2017 13:39 | Flag
Then this little fellow seems to be a very rare tom cat , a calico male maybe. Calicos are not always female but when they are male they have a genetic defect, they are sterile as far as I know.
tele_mark 10.09.2017 13:07 | Flag
There's at least three colors. He's a mix of all the kittens in the litter, and there was an orange one, a black one, a white one, and a calico one I think.
doerscheln 10.09.2017 07:34 | Flag
He is so sweet ! Doesn't he look three-colored in this pic ?
eelias 09.09.2017 20:48 | Flag
He is adorable-can't wait for more!
tele_mark 09.09.2017 20:04 | Flag
I went to my sister's today to meet Skittles. He was the runt of the litter and not expected to survive. He had some sort of neurological problem also that seems to have cleared up. Very much like Ambercat's personality. He probably would've ended up the alpha of the litter despite his size. Very outgoing and not afraid of anything.
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