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By: Stac1026 24.04.2017 20:13 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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Eli 25.04.2017 06:23 | Flag
What a good kitty! Mine would never, ever let me dress them up, lol!
iluvcats 24.04.2017 22:30 | Flag
I love your story! I can tell Ashes was a much beloved pal! Very nice memory - thank you for sharing with us!
Stac1026 24.04.2017 20:38 | Flag
Year 1989!!! I was 6 years old... I miss my cat Ashes sooo muchhhh he always let me dress him up w no problem lol I'd put him in a baby carriage and take a walk around neighborhood w cousins and friends and he didn't budge never jumped out a lot of times he jus fell asleep!!! Sooo funnyyy!!! Never seen a cat like him he was so cool he would follow us everywhere and playfully chase us around the yard I miss him a lot!! BTW be was a boy but I only had girl clothes lol I will be looking for other photos of him dressed up and in carriage and bassinet and share them with you all asap
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