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By: smokeyfuffy 09.04.2017 18:59 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: FUFFY Tags:
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doerscheln 10.04.2017 11:14 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss. Fuffy and Smokey were the first cats I've met on Picato almost 10 years ago. Fuffy will never be forgotten.
Eli 10.04.2017 06:19 | Flag
Seet Fuffy, we will miss you so much! Have fun at Rainbow Bridge and remember that you were very much loved on this earth.
smokeyfuffy 09.04.2017 19:33 | Flag
7 aprile 2017 Sei lunghi mesi di medicine, fusa, coccole, lacrime, sorrisi, speranza, notti insonni, carezze, baci, parole, miagolii, sei lunghi mesi di malattia, troppo lunghi per essere sopportati così nella speranza di vederti , un giorno, rinascere, ma anche nella consapevolezza che ti avremmo perso presto....troppo presto per la tua ancor giovane mancherai tantissimo, tu eri più di un gatto, eri uno di noi, hai condiviso con noi ogni attimo delle nostre vite, al nostro fianco, non ci lasciavi mai e neppure all'estremo momento ti sei allontanato per lasciarci... riposa in pace, ora hai finito di soffrire.
smokeyfuffy 09.04.2017 19:31 | Flag
April 7th 2017 Six long months of medication, purr, cuddle, tears, smiles, hope, sleepless nights, caresses, kisses, words, meows, six long months of illness, too long to live so in the hope to see you one day be reborn, but even in the knowledge that we would have lost soon .... too early for your still young life ... we will miss you so much, you were more than one cat, you were one of us, you shared with us every moment of our lives, to our side, you have not left us nor the extreme when you moved away to leave the life ... rest in peace, you will not suffer more
eelias 09.04.2017 19:27 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss.
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