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By: Claire 11.03.2017 16:13 « prev | next »
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Claire 18.03.2017 22:14 | Flag
Yup, the vet said that alcohol is the main transporting agent for the scent and that I should let it evaporate before Pissy McWetwet goes in her carrier.
tele_mark 13.03.2017 04:41 | Flag
Feliway works, but you want to spray down the blanket/towel/pad in the carrier about 1/2 hour before you put her in there for her trip. The aerosol has to burn off, and the main chemical needs that time to establish itself in the fabric. If you do that, it will help to calm her.
Claire 12.03.2017 09:31 | Flag
No...little "Pee Pee Rodriguez" wet the carrier again. She only made it as far as the elevator this time. At the Vet's they gave me a special spray that's supposed to relieve anxiety, and some big absorbent pads to line the carrier with to try during her next outing.
pmgr111 11.03.2017 20:15 | Flag
Claire did you have another accident or have you just grown to like a bath now.
doerscheln 11.03.2017 17:53 | Flag
Claire looks like Moritz after his daily bath. Okay, almost, he isn't so vet then.
tele_mark 11.03.2017 17:47 | Flag
Uh oh, Claire couldn't wait for the laundry to to be taken out of the washer this time!
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