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By: MickeysMom 04.03.2017 21:52 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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Eli 06.03.2017 07:18 | Flag
Oh God, I am so sorry....tears and more tears here...
iluvcats 05.03.2017 18:14 | Flag
Dear Mickey has always had a special place in my heart. What a magnificent pal she was to you. 22 years is beyond imagine. We would all wish our pets would be with us for that long. Because she lived so long, I know your pain is so deep. Please know that because of your love and care your beloved baby had the most exquisite life. I will never, ever forget dear Mickey - never. Hugs to all in your family and hugs to all our Picato friends who knew Mickey too.
Napicat 05.03.2017 17:22 | Flag
It's one of the hardest things to go through. I have a lump in my throat. I'm so sorry.
eelias 05.03.2017 16:19 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss.
MoMagrey 05.03.2017 12:15 | Flag
So sorry for your loss. Our babies are everything to us and the loss is a tough cross to bear. Rest assured that all of us on Picato are thinking of you. More importantly, you were there for them at the end and they would have known this. Remember the words of the Rainbow Bridge poem, as when I lost my babies, this poem was a source of comfort to me
doerscheln 05.03.2017 09:13 | Flag
I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. We all know the sorrow and pain of this time but it shows the love you had for your wonderful Mickey. She will never be forgotten.Tears.
scrappy 05.03.2017 02:24 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear of lovely Mickey's passing. Twenty-two years is amazing and must say a lot about the love you have for her. It is so hard and I know what it's like to not be able to stop crying. Our kitties are important family sincere condolences to you...tears.
MickeysMom 04.03.2017 22:09 | Flag
My beautiful Mickey has left us today to be with her big brother Moses. I am completely lost and heartbroken to lose my little girl, but I know she is in a better place now and not in pain. She has been a part of our family for 22 years...and the house will no longer feel like a home without our fur baby. I am so grateful to have been her guardian and the object of her unconditional love for so many years. We have been blessed. I cannot stop crying...she will be in my heart forever.
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