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By: Claire 23.02.2017 02:35 « prev | next »
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Claire 25.02.2017 01:03 | Flag
Well, 'twasn't so much the antagonism as it was my tipsy, (yep, I had poured a couple of cocktails to calm my nerves after the initial exchange) foul tempered venting that resulted that convinced me to give FB a rest for a while.
pmgr111 25.02.2017 00:04 | Flag
You could set up an account just for Claire. We miss her and you too.
agroshong 24.02.2017 15:10 | Flag
Just unfriend the dork - or unfollow on FB. Claire misses us too!
scrappy 24.02.2017 05:16 | Flag
Pretty Clairette belly...tell daddio Pea misses his humor and pictures. Unfriend the antagonist or you must answer to the Gorgan, Melvin Belli! 😬
sweetpea 24.02.2017 04:55 | Flag
I’m very sorry to hear this Dave … and would like you to know that loads of us miss you and Claire on Facebook. Phoebe, Rosie, Pepita and Mitsou miss Claire too. Please reconsider … life is too short. Best wishes ~PS (aka sweetpea)
pmgr111 23.02.2017 16:06 | Flag
Why don't you just unfriend those who irritate you on Facebook or change your audience. Wouldn't that stop them from commenting on your page.
tele_mark 23.02.2017 03:25 | Flag
Farcebook's evil.
Claire 23.02.2017 02:50 | Flag
Check me out here from now on, seeing as Pops has deactivated his facebook account. He let one of his life long antagonists (facebook "friend") piss him off so much a couple of days ago that he was taking it out on other facebook friends left right and centre! Maybe he will sign into FB again in the future if he can learn to control that temper, but more likely not.
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