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By: sharon11 19.02.2017 14:15 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Greyson Tags:
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tele_mark 20.02.2017 19:18 | Flag
Oh wow -- Auburn! You're very close to where Floppy and his brothers were born -- Candia Road in Manchester, right across from Triangle CU!
sharon11 20.02.2017 13:18 | Flag
Thanks Tele Mark for remembering Egypt and for your empathy. It was very sad time w/Egypt passing. I had her for over 10 years - she traveled from NYC to Boston to NH w/me. I've been following your kitty cats for years. We're local to you, in Auburn now. It was a trifecta ~a year ago, w/finding out my Dad had cancer, to my puppy hurting her foot/leg and Egypt dying. Dad is cancer-free, puppy healed... Greyson truly rescued me. Couldn't have asked for a better kitty. Love him pieces!
tele_mark 20.02.2017 04:22 | Flag
Cats that were downtrodden and then won the Lottery make me smile! Congratulations Greyson, its very apparent you know how lucky you were. Now enslave the bipeds! PS -- so sad to hear of Egypt's passing. Last I saw of her was that horrible surgery following the vaccination sarcoma. Devastating.
sharon11 19.02.2017 14:18 | Flag
First day, making himself right at home
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