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By: tele_mark 26.01.2017 15:51 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags:
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pmgr111 27.01.2017 05:52 | Flag
And the same for water too.
tele_mark 27.01.2017 04:33 | Flag
Thank you for the tip, I'll definitely do that.
pmgr111 27.01.2017 02:36 | Flag
when he gets home put his food up on something, a little platform, so its off the ground. It should be high enough so he can get to it with the collar/cone on, room for the width of the cone between the platform and the floor. I had to keep a cat in a cone for a period of time and this worked so she could eat.
tele_mark 26.01.2017 23:49 | Flag
It's going to be Saturday now. I have to work OT tomorrow so he's staying an extra day. The catheter is stitched in and has to stay in for 10-14 days. It's going to be rough. I'm spreading a big tarp in the spare room and he has to stay in there.
scrappy 26.01.2017 23:34 | Flag
So glad your boy is coming home tomorrow! Do you have to change the catheter regularly yourself or is it indwelling?
Napicat 26.01.2017 22:11 | Flag
To correct my phrasing, it was a cone not a collar.
doerscheln 26.01.2017 21:28 | Flag
I have the comfy collars, too. Of course it's still a collar and every cat and dog is happier without it but it makes it easier to eat, drink and sleep than the cones you usually get from the vets.
Napicat 26.01.2017 20:36 | Flag
When Pax had severe UTI he ended up getting the collar off and pulling the catheter out. That's when the vet decided he was recovering.
tele_mark 26.01.2017 19:09 | Flag
Great! Just ordered!
doerscheln 26.01.2017 19:02 | Flag
Great, Ambercat will be home tomorrow ! Btw. do you know the collars you can blow up ?
iluvcats 26.01.2017 18:43 | Flag
So happy Ambercat will be home! I remember when my BUC had his blockage - it was so long ago - they had to use a "dog" cone and it was huge and I had to hand feed him because he couldn't get to his bowl. Thank goodness veterinary medicine has come a long way in 40 years. Continued prayers for Ambercat's comfort and recovery.
tele_mark 26.01.2017 15:55 | Flag
Ambercat was much less depressed when I went in this morning. The good news is he's coming home tomorrow morning. The bad news is he has to wear the collar for 10-14 days, and the catheter has to stay in that long too. So he's going to be confined to 1 room because he's going to be dripping from the catheter, and I don't want him rough housing while he's mending. It's going to be a tough 2 weeks.
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