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By: essiebug 27.07.2016 23:02 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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essiebug 29.07.2016 01:23 | Flag
I think so too
iluvcats 28.07.2016 20:34 | Flag
I didn't realize you had adopted your Mini Me - guess Herman just couldn't cope with sharing you ...
essiebug 28.07.2016 17:59 | Flag
I accidentally deleted the post/picture of the latest on Herman. After Herman's surprise visit in our yard a month ago I saw him again around the corner from our house. I usually have my eyes on the road because there are two schools a day care and lots of cars and people. But this time out of the corner of my eye I saw who I thought was Herman walking down the sidewalk. So I pulled over and he ran to greet me purring and wanting a belly scratch. I went up to the door of this house and the lady said yes she has had 'Potato' for almost 4 years. He is well loved and taken care of. Looks like he doesn't stray far from his new yard. And yes he is enjoying his dog brother and another cat brother. And yes she said come by anytime to visit him. I changed my walking route Sunday morning {I don't walk past this house normally} and saw him warming himself on the sidewalk and he wanted some love and as I walked away to leave he was perfectly content to remain on the warm pavement, It is fascinating how I didn't see him the last 6 years being he is so close. I have a feeling he was inside her home at first and she allowed him outside gradually. We had adopted our chihuahua Mini Me about the time Herman went missing. They just tolerated each other. And slowly Herman slipped away from us. He was gaining weight and staying away for longer periods of time. Then he was gone. I'm thrilled to know he is healthy and happy and a man of his own.
iluvcats 28.07.2016 16:27 | Flag
Oh my gosh Herman has a brother now!!!
doerscheln 28.07.2016 09:22 | Flag
Great when cat and dog get along well. Did Herman know dogs from your home ? And btw Herman's new family must be very nice because you can come and visit your Herman. Maybe you will become good friends some day.
tele_mark 28.07.2016 06:51 | Flag
This just gets better and better!
essiebug 27.07.2016 23:04 | Flag
This is Herman AKA potato and his half-brother
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