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By: tele_mark 22.07.2016 05:36 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Tags:
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moulagofre 28.07.2016 15:37 | Flag
As sweet as they can be with us, they still are incredible hunter/killers. That's what keep them alive when they are in the wild. Our beloved little tigers 💗
tele_mark 22.07.2016 15:48 | Flag
I was at the computer working yesterday when I heard a loud commotion in the basement. I figured it was just Storm and Ambercat bouncing off the walls, so I didn't investigate. When I went downstairs, this is what I found. Somehow, once again, some poor animal managed to get caught by cats in an enclosed area. Because I didn't investigate right away, the poor snake didn't make it. I let him keep it, hoping he'd eat it, but just lost interest after awhile. Kind of feeling bad though, as I like "my" snakes. Most of them don't even bolt when I happen on one in the yard now.
iluvcats 22.07.2016 15:13 | Flag
Claire 22.07.2016 15:00 | Flag
Mmm spaghetti...The annoying look is because the kitchen staff didn't provide any marinara sauce or Parmesan cheese to go with it!
doerscheln 22.07.2016 06:44 | Flag
Good Storm didn't put the snake into your bed LOL
Eli 22.07.2016 06:11 | Flag
Oh God!
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