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By: Iamcat 29.06.2016 22:30 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Athena Tags:
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tele_mark 02.07.2016 03:39 | Flag
You can plainly see they love each other!
Iamcat 30.06.2016 13:55 | Flag
The birds are in no danger. Like doerscheln said, the cats just watch the birds...they love them! They grew up together and I have trained them that they are siblings. I also don't give them any toys that look like birds or have feathers on them, so they don't get mixed messages!
doerscheln 30.06.2016 07:28 | Flag
Yes, that is so sweet ! My father had budgies all his life and sometimes it happend that the cats went into the room with the birds. They just watched them and then went out of the room again. Outdoors they were hunting and eating birds..... unfortunately.
tele_mark 30.06.2016 05:27 | Flag
I'd say they look very comfortable with each other. Together all their lives?
pmgr111 30.06.2016 03:03 | Flag
This is the bird who's cage Athena was in. Is that really a good idea. i hope the cage isn't some place Athena can get to when your away.
scrappy 30.06.2016 00:06 | Flag
What an adorable snap of pretty Athena and your cute budgie!
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