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By: moulagofre 14.06.2016 11:00 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Haïku Neko Tags: neko Haïku
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Dimtzort 15.06.2016 15:05 | Flag
my Zuzu hates every vet visit and because of the pet carrier, I have to put a real fight to shove her into the pet carrier, but she never tries to scratch or bite me and she's very calm even when she has the shots.The only time she tried to scratch me was when she had to have antibiotics in pills, which of course all cats hate.
Eli 14.06.2016 21:40 | Flag
Hi Haiku, it is good to hear you are well and strong!
iluvcats 14.06.2016 20:17 | Flag
Neko!!!!! So happy to see you looking so well and doing so great healthwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moulagofre 14.06.2016 17:11 | Flag
Telemark, in fact the picture is from some days ago. Haïku does have to be tranquilized to allow a full check up. Otherwise it would turn to a kind of Rob Zombie movie...
tele_mark 14.06.2016 13:06 | Flag
Good to see you again Haiku Neko! You look like the vet visit didn't phase you at all!
doerscheln 14.06.2016 11:08 | Flag
Great that Haiku Neko is doing so well !
moulagofre 14.06.2016 11:08 | Flag
This morning was Haïku Neko's yearly visit a the vet. Everything is OK, the blood analazyses are good, no problem. Maybe Haïku should loose a little weight, but it is not really a problem.
moulagofre 14.06.2016 11:04 | Flag
Visite annuelle d'Haïku Neko chez le véto ce matin. Tout va bien, les analyses sanguines sont bonnes, rien à signaler ! Il faudrait juste perdre un petit peu de poids, mais rien de préoccupant.
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