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By: doerscheln 22.01.2016 12:33 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Paulinchen Tags:
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SweetPunky 28.05.2016 13:15 | Flag
Hi Martina I am so sorry for Paulinchen and what she's been through,she was such a beautiful girl. I have lost my Miminel because of kidney complications from castration, I had to castrate her when I brought Punky in and she became ill four years afterwards. She had perfusion and shots, but her condition worsened. It was hard beyond words when she decided to stop breathing and let herself go, I felt she conciously decided not to breathe anymore. Live with the hope that you meet her again one day and never let go of that hope!
trhays57 25.01.2016 15:41 | Flag
OH Martina I'm so, so very sorry for your loss! I wasn't on this weekend and just saw this very sad news. I know what a huge hole this has left in your heart and your family. Rest in peace and be well now sweet Paulinchen. Run well and play in the sunshine at the Rainbow Bridge. My Amanda is there to show you all the best sunbeam places. I am shedding tears for you all as well. Please give Moritz a hug from me as I am sure he will be as lost as you are for awhile.
Sirminzi 25.01.2016 12:20 | Flag
Paulinchen hatte ein wunderschönes Leben bei Euch und es ist tröstlich, dass ihr langes Leiden erspart blieb. Sie war ein wunderschönes, charaktervolles Tier und auch wenn wir hier lange nicht waren, berührt uns euer Verlust sehr. Wie es beschrieben wurde, erging es ihr wie unserer Schecki vor zwei Jahren. Es bleibt dann nur, loszulassen. Liebe Grüße und schöne Erinnerungen an Paulinchen.
doerscheln 24.01.2016 16:37 | Flag
Thank you for your kind and warm words. So good to know that my little angel had some very good friends and fans everywhere in the world and will never be forgotten.
scrappy 23.01.2016 04:42 | Flag
Tina, I'm so sorry for this news about dear Paulinchen. I'm crying for her too as I know she wasn't well. This is the hardest thing to face when we love them so much and she had such a wonderful long life with you. She also left behind her handsome son, Moritz, to help keep her close to your heart. My condolences and hugs from me and Sweetpea.
agroshong 23.01.2016 01:05 | Flag
So very sorry
Eli 22.01.2016 22:26 | Flag
Ach Gott, es tut mir wirklich so ist auf sowas nie vorbereitet und diese kleinen Kerlchen sind halt teil der Familie. Ich hoffe Paulinchen trifft jetzt meinen Willy im Himmel. Tränen und noch mehr Tränen....
smokeyfuffy 22.01.2016 22:08 | Flag
So sorry for your loss Tina. One Year ago exactly, today, my little Blackie passed away, in the afteernoon , just twelve years. I know your pain.... Our deepest condolences, hugs. Smokey
naomispeller 22.01.2016 20:53 | Flag
I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Paulinchen will be missed but always loved. My deepest heartfelt condolences to you xxx
iluvcats 22.01.2016 18:15 | Flag
Oh my dear friend - I'm so, so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved Paulinchen. I'm crying tears for you. Oh I know your heartbreak and I know your pain. I loved her so for these many years on Picato with you. The gentlest, beautiful little brave furry friend. Please accept my heartfelt condolence and I so wish I could give you a warm hug ... we're so far apart in distance but close in heart ... Dear Paulinchen you will never, ever be forgotten sweetheart.
eelias 22.01.2016 18:06 | Flag
I am so sorry-it's so hard to let them go. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
pmgr111 22.01.2016 17:53 | Flag
So sorry to hear of Paulinchen's passing. She lived a long wonderful life with you and was a lucky cat to have had you in her life. RIP Paulinchen
tele_mark 22.01.2016 16:18 | Flag
Oh no. Such sad news to see coming up on my screen, it was a shock seeing this, even though I knew she was not doing so well. I know what you're feeling and there's nothing we can say to lessen the shock, but she had a great life.
MickeysMom 22.01.2016 13:51 | Flag
I am so sorry and sad to hear about wee Paulinchen. Rest peacefully little one!
doerscheln 22.01.2016 12:34 | Flag
Our little Paulinchen went over the Rainbow Bridge today. She was doing worse and worse this week, she didn't eat and drink anymore, didn't sleep anymore, didn't clean herself, became restless and weaker and weaker, all signs that her kidneys stopped working completely now. I had to let her go this morning. Words can't describe how much I will miss her and how sad I am .
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