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By: Claire 14.01.2016 13:32 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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eelias 15.01.2016 19:09 | Flag
Keep well dear Claire!
doerscheln 15.01.2016 12:45 | Flag
Good to hear your pretty Claire is doing well !
Eli 15.01.2016 08:11 | Flag
Hi Claire, good to know you are feeling ok!
pmgr111 15.01.2016 03:18 | Flag
Hi pretty Miss Claire. Good to see you feeling better.
2catts 14.01.2016 20:08 | Flag
So good to see Claire again - I was starting to worry when nothing had been posted for a few days. Fingers crossed for her continued good health.
Claire 14.01.2016 19:40 | Flag
After a bad couple of weeks, she has bounced right back for the last two weeks. She went from moping and hiding all day to jumping about 3/4 the way to the ceiling to try to catch the laser dot a day ago. Fingers crossed that her comeback will last a while.
doerscheln 14.01.2016 18:37 | Flag
How are you doing Claire ?
tele_mark 14.01.2016 17:45 | Flag
Just hanging out Claire?
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