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By: tele_mark 13.01.2016 06:42 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ivan Mikesch Tags: group
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iluvcats 14.01.2016 19:18 | Flag
Poor Ivan - sending comfort vibes ... feel better soon darling - your Daddy will get you all fixed up.
trhays57 13.01.2016 14:55 | Flag
Oh so sorry to hear you are not feeling well dear Ivan! Sending pawsitive thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery now that your dad knows what's wrong and can treat you for what ails you. Head skritches and nose bumps from Dallas!
eelias 13.01.2016 11:22 | Flag
Get better soon Ivan!
doerscheln 13.01.2016 08:39 | Flag
I hope that, too ! Get well soon dear Ivan ! XO
Eli 13.01.2016 08:25 | Flag
I hope Ivan is doing better with the medication. Henry and Max and myself send him purrs and more healing purrs!
tele_mark 13.01.2016 06:49 | Flag
Ivan has been dropping weight fast since his full mouth tooth extraction in October. He went to the vet last night, and they found he has a kidney infection, and is pretty blocked up, possibly because of the infection, so he hasn't been eating like he should. He's on antibiotics and laxatives now.
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