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By: kreds 21.12.2015 19:34 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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doerscheln 22.12.2015 08:24 | Flag
Poor Phoenix, get well soon.
Eli 22.12.2015 08:19 | Flag
I sent you a donation already and pray that Phoenix gets well soon
kreds 21.12.2015 19:41 | Flag
Hello everybody, so the latest developments are Phoenix being still hospitalized as of today. He developed infections to his tail and to his back right leg, but hopefully they will heal as they are duly treated. He is set to leave the clinic this week-end and has a long road of recovery ahead of him. I will do anything in my power for his well-being, because he is such a special cat and deserves it! But I also need your help to face the medical bill I'll have to face in a few days. This is my wish and Christmas gift <3 The link to donate and with all details of the clinic to verify this story as follows: Thanks thanks thanks Daniele
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