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By: kreds 15.12.2015 20:28 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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kreds 16.12.2015 23:47 | Flag
Thank you everybody for the good wishes and donations!
suelin57 16.12.2015 07:20 | Flag
I'm sorry to hear about Phoenix. I hope he heals quickly and well.
tele_mark 16.12.2015 01:40 | Flag
Donated a little to start.
tele_mark 15.12.2015 21:31 | Flag
Will make a donation tonite when I get home. But PLEASE, promise not to let him out on that balcony again until it is made safe for him!
iluvcats 15.12.2015 21:05 | Flag
So sorry to read about Phoenix being hospitalized. Poor baby. Positive healing/comfort vibes to him from afar.
kreds 15.12.2015 20:36 | Flag
So I went visiting Phoenix at the clicnic. He was quite weak but it was emotional to see him. He accepted solid food from me for the first time. He really wanted to go home but I couldn't bring him, and that was quite heartbreaking. I am not used to ask for any kind of help, let alone financial help, but in this case I'm asking for HIM because he NEEDS to stay there to make recovery. Clinic details for any confirmation are: Ambulatorio Veterinario Dr Gaspardis- 33040 Visco (UD) Tel. 39 0432 997005 PLEASE any donation for Phoenix would be extremely welcome and appreciated! See link:
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