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By: kreds 12.12.2015 17:47 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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tele_mark 16.12.2015 01:37 | Flag
Will make a donation later. But, fix that balcony so it's safe for him!
kreds 15.12.2015 20:22 | Flag
Hello tele mark, sure. Thank you for the suggestion. The veterinary clinic name is Clinica Gaspardis - 33040 Visco (Italy)Phone: 39 0432 997005. Maybe this is why people were not too confident in making donations. I am not a kind of person used to ask anything, let alone financial help. But I am humbled by this whole siuation, and this is not for me but for my sweet Phoenix :(
tele_mark 12.12.2015 18:45 | Flag
Hi Sorry to hear about your cat. Could you post the contact details to the vet office so that anyone wishing to donate could call and verify this? Thanks and good luck!
kreds 12.12.2015 17:51 | Flag
Hello,anybody remember of me? I'm Phoenix! Unfortunately I was involved in a very serious accident 2 days ago. My dad is used to do everything by himself, but in this case for me he needs some help!: Thank you for all you can do!
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