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By: tele_mark 21.11.2015 07:48 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Storm Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags: group
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Eli 23.11.2015 08:13 | Flag
Oh wooow, Ambercat dragging Ivan??? You little terror, you!!
scrappy 21.11.2015 22:14 | Flag
Ambercat, you naughty little man! You shouldn't treat your elder kitty brothers like that...Ivan really didn't deserve that, by the collar indeed!!
iluvcats 21.11.2015 18:31 | Flag
What?? Baby Ambercat drug Ivan? Wow
doerscheln 21.11.2015 17:33 | Flag
LOL what a little orange devil you are Ambercat ! But as long the older cats are not unforgiving or afraid of him......
pmgr111 21.11.2015 15:32 | Flag
Dragging him across the floor! Ambercat must be getting big to be able to do that. I hope this isn't a sign of trouble brewing as he comes of age.
tele_mark 21.11.2015 07:52 | Flag
Ambercat was VERY bad yesterday. Not that Ivan wasn't asking for it, but Ambercat knocked him flat on his side and started dragging him across the living room by his collar! I punished him with the water pistol, but Ivan seems no worse for it, physically or emotionally, so I guess they just all expect it from Devil Cat.
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