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By: janeburgess 17.11.2015 20:30 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Chelsy and Marty Tags:
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Eli 20.11.2015 08:42 | Flag
Oh no, I can't believe that both Amy and Simba went to Rainbow Bridge, I'm so sorry for your loss.
suelin57 20.11.2015 03:04 | Flag
Oh, I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose 2 close together. Hugs.
trhays57 19.11.2015 17:51 | Flag
Jane so very, very sorry to read of the loss of Amy. I hope she and Simba are both frolicking in the sunshine at the Rainbow Bridge. Have them look up my Amanda for a tour of the place. :) Sincerely hope the new babies bring you some comfort and I know they will bring you much joy.
iluvcats 18.11.2015 15:53 | Flag
Oh honey - I'm so, so sorry to read about the loss of your beloved Amy. I perfectly understand how the loss of her dear pal Simba affected her. What a beautiful, beautiful treasure she was to you and all who knew her. Hugs dear Jane and now Amy is with her Simba and they are enjoying the warmth of the Rainbow Bridge and will live on in your heart and soul forever. Hugs again
pmgr111 18.11.2015 03:42 | Flag
Oh I'm so sorry to hear. How terrible to have lost both of them. Peace be with you.
eelias 18.11.2015 03:12 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss.
janeburgess 17.11.2015 22:34 | Flag
Amy had been suffering with breathing difficulties/asthma for some time. After Simba died she just seemed to give up and stopped eating, her breathing got worse and in the end despite a lot of treatment from the vet had to be put to sleep.
doerscheln 17.11.2015 21:08 | Flag
I've just read that your Amy went over the Rainbow bridge, too. I am so sorry. What happened to her ?
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