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By: Claire 13.11.2015 19:13 « prev | next »
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doerscheln 14.11.2015 12:25 | Flag
Sounds like nothing serious but nevertheless I keep my fingers crossed for Claire !
Claire 14.11.2015 00:36 | Flag
Yes, the vet said she did very well, and just laid back and let them do what they had to do, because of this they were able to drain off enough material for two good slides. One that was examined at the vet's office, and the second one that they sent off to the lab.
scrappy 13.11.2015 23:29 | Flag
I know you did very well, brave Claire honey! And thanks to daddio's quick "eye", you had this done fast and early. So listen to Auntie Marilyn, and one paw in front of the other! ^..^
iluvcats 13.11.2015 19:28 | Flag
Well at least this step is over. One paw in front of the other until the results. Have a great weekend Clairebelle!!!
Claire 13.11.2015 19:13 | Flag
Claire relaxing at home after her morning with the vet. The lump was drained, and there were 3 or 4 squamous cells visible under the microscope. The vet said this likely means nothing, but is erring on the side of caution, and sending a sample out to the lab for a closer look. Could be a week for results to come back. So not out of the woods quite yet.
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