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By: tele_mark 10.11.2015 01:59 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Ambercat Williwaw Jackson Tags:
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tele_mark 11.11.2015 18:39 | Flag
All of them are allowed up on the counter. But, the stove has always been off limits of course. The older cats learned it at an early age, and even Storm in Mikesch learned very well and quickly. Ambercat is the first cat that has been impossible to teach. We'll see how the foil works.
Claire 11.11.2015 09:33 | Flag
Ambercat, you stubborn little mule! The only thing I ever gave Claire a verbal scolding in an angry raised voice about was getting up on kitchen surfaces. Once in a blue moon she'll have a lapse, but for the most part she got the message. But she never turned on burners like Pyrocat! That's downright diabolical...LOL!
pmgr111 10.11.2015 03:52 | Flag
Just keep reusing the same foil. It will probably take a while for him to get it since he can get on the counters next to the stove.
tele_mark 10.11.2015 03:22 | Flag
That's a great tip! I'll try it. Everything else I've tried has failed. I'll try the foil. Everyone else, going back to Floppy/Robocat/Ivan/Daisy, in 2000 , and now Storm/Mikesch, learned with no difficulty that the stovetop was totally off limits, while the rest of the counter top is a green light, but Ambercat is the first exception in almost 16 years!! Ahhhh!
pmgr111 10.11.2015 03:14 | Flag
Ok, now I understand the comment. Try putting aluminum foil across the stove top when not in use. The sound and feel sometimes scares cats from getting up on things.
tele_mark 10.11.2015 02:03 | Flag
A couple of days ago, I smelled something burning in the house. After searching, I found one of the burners on the range turned to 1/2 on an empty pot. I've been having lots of problems training Ambercat to stay off of the stove. Now, he's figured out that bumping the dials is lots of fun, so I've had to remove all the range top dials, for the risk of having the house burn down...
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