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By: eelias 30.10.2015 20:39 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tags: Iggy
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doerscheln 03.11.2015 12:25 | Flag
Yes, let's all canoeing together ! I have to see where I can get a little paddle or something for Paulinchen ;-)
Eli 03.11.2015 08:17 | Flag
Iggy, you look great in that canoe! The Club of Canoe Lovers is getting bigger every day, lol!
eelias 01.11.2015 19:27 | Flag
I ordered this from hauspanther-they just had the one size. Iggy weighs about 13 lbs these days, but he has a little room in there!
iluvcats 01.11.2015 17:36 | Flag
Oh Iggy -- you are so very fortunate darlinz!
pmgr111 01.11.2015 02:44 | Flag
So is this the small or large canoe? I've tried all the pet stores in my area. None has them. They have to be ordered on line. I'd like to have an idea on the size to get.
tele_mark 30.10.2015 23:16 | Flag
LOL, Picato has sold alot of these!
scrappy 30.10.2015 21:42 | Flag
So cute in your Catnoe Iggy!
doerscheln 30.10.2015 21:11 | Flag
Paulinchen says "Good choice Iggy, I have exactly the same" :)
eelias 30.10.2015 20:40 | Flag
Iggy thought those canoes looked so cozy that he had to have one of his own!
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