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By: tele_mark 20.10.2015 01:46 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Strays/Rescues Tags:
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doerscheln 20.10.2015 17:46 | Flag
Thanks Mark, yes now I remember that I have read Tortie here before, there must be two or three Torties on Picato. Well, I am getting older and can't remember vocabulary so well anymore it seems. ;)
tele_mark 20.10.2015 14:39 | Flag
They're called "tortoiseshell", or Tortie cats. Like calico, they're almost always females.
doerscheln 20.10.2015 07:43 | Flag
Absolutely adorable !!!I hope, too they have a good home together now. How do you call females like the dark one, black with more or less orange in their fur, too ? We call them Schildpattkatze.
Eli 20.10.2015 07:00 | Flag
What a lovely pair of sisters! I hope they got a good home together.
tele_mark 20.10.2015 02:04 | Flag
These were the "Katrina Sisters". They were rescued after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, from New Orleans, and made their way to my area when I lived in Mass. I volunteered to foster them and had the privilege of having them in my home for only 2 weeks, in which time they totally took over the place. I might've taken then forever, but Daisy would have none of it, so I very sadly gave them back to to the shelter 2 weeks later. This is a true orange girl, and they were a team to be reckoned with! I hope they made out well and got to stay together.
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