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By: tele_mark 20.10.2015 01:09 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Tags:
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tele_mark 24.10.2015 14:26 | Flag
I'm just giving him Cosequin now, two capsules a day, and one for Ivan. I know I can use aspirin sparingly now if he is in discomfort, which he doesn't seem to be.
doerscheln 24.10.2015 10:53 | Flag
How is Floppy doing without the Aspirin ?
suelin57 23.10.2015 06:33 | Flag
Poor Floppy, I know just how he feels. Hope the meds help him get around better on a consistent basis.
iluvcats 22.10.2015 12:58 | Flag
Well my goodness she is doing so well for that age -- stiffness in the joints -- I know you'll make sure she definitely can bebop around all the perches in your "kitty playland"!!!
tele_mark 21.10.2015 23:00 | Flag
15, almost 16. They were born May 2000.
iluvcats 21.10.2015 21:11 | Flag
How old is dear Floppy?
doerscheln 21.10.2015 20:42 | Flag
I hope the Cosequin will help Floppy.
tele_mark 21.10.2015 17:27 | Flag
I've decided I'm just going to put him on Cosequin for awhile and see if that improves things over time. He still seems to be benefiting from that little bit of aspirin on Monday (2 days ago), so it looks like can be a very intermittent thing.
doerscheln 20.10.2015 17:24 | Flag
I did some googling, too and called my vet because that is something I wanted to know . This little dose Floppy gets seems to be ok but I think there are too many side effects possible. But I know you always keep an eye on all your boys, if Floopy shows any side effects you will drive him to the vet at once. Hugs and kisses to dear Floppy ! Most important is that he is doing well.
tele_mark 20.10.2015 12:28 | Flag
Thanks. I'm trying to get her to clarify on this. From Googling, it sounds like it's ok if you give them time to metabolize it. In this case it's a baby aspirin every 4 days. I'm also going to ask about using Cosequin.
doerscheln 20.10.2015 08:18 | Flag
My heart almost stopped beating when I read about the Aspirin. That is what my vet says, too, Aspirin ( guess your Aspirin has the same active component acetylsalicylic acid like ours) and Paracetamol, too are poison for cats. Please talk to the vet again ! Morris and Minka had bad arthritis, too . They got a medicine called Metacam and I bought stairs that I put in front of the bed and the sofa to make it easier for them.
Eli 20.10.2015 07:06 | Flag
The vet prescribed aspirin? The real one? My vet says to never, EVER, give an aspirin to a cat, as this could kill it!
tele_mark 20.10.2015 01:25 | Flag
Floppy went to the vet today because he's been having trouble's with his back legs since June. The vet quickly diagnosed him with very bad arthritis. Looking at the x-ray, she referred to him as "crunchy" He could barely get up on the couch without help over the last week. She prescribed something very simple -- 80mg of aspirin, every 3 days. I gave him the first one 9 hours ago, and he made it up here an hour ago in one leap, like the "old days". Sometimes I'm really, REALLY mad at vets, sometimes, I couldn't love them enough.
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