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By: smokeyfuffy 22.01.2015 16:24 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: BLACKIE Tags:
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smokeyfuffy 23.01.2015 18:03 | Flag
Thanks Mar, your words I warm the heart at a time so sad. Blackie was a dear friend, a constant presence, with her gentle eyes yellow gold, summarizing in herself the best qualities of the spirit, generosity, modesty, honesty, simplicity and affection, so much affection and gratitude. I will miss her very much and I feel an emptiness in my heart, I lived every minute of her last days with her, before the incurable disease the tear to my care. Thanks Blackie, I learned so much from you, loving you forever
iluvcats 23.01.2015 14:51 | Flag
Oh that Rainbow Bridge is now the home to another sweet furry angel. The image of that Bridge is burned deep into my heart. I see so many of our beloveds - happy, healthy, warm with full bellies dancing in the sunshine. Our memories of them keep them alive in our hearts and souls forever and ever. My dearest Em - your dearest Blackie - such a painful loss for you I know. I'm saddened by your pain. You know you are among worldwide friends here on Picato who have known and loved along with you - your furry family. Please feel some comfort in the warmth of this wonderful friendship we share and our ultimate love and devotion of all furries is beyond belief. Rest well lil girl Blackie, rest well.
Eli 23.01.2015 07:41 | Flag
Blackie, give my Willy a hug at Rainbow Bridge...
suelin57 23.01.2015 06:12 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear about Blackie.
eelias 22.01.2015 21:23 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss.
tele_mark 22.01.2015 19:40 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's very difficult.
doerscheln 22.01.2015 16:52 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss. RIP Blackie. You were such a black beauty.
moulagofre 22.01.2015 16:51 | Flag
Oh, poor little Blackie... It is ever so sad when one of our beloved kitty crosses the Rainbox Bridge. All my thougts are with you Smokeyfuffy. RIP sweet Blackie
smokeyfuffy 22.01.2015 16:29 | Flag
Dopo lunga malattia cessa di battere il suo piccolo grande cuore. Un'umiltà raramente felina, una riconoscenza raramente umana. 22 gennaio 2015 Riposa in pace gioia della mia anima. After long illness stops beating his little big heart. Humility rarely feline, a gratitude rarely human. January 22, 2015 Rest in peace joy of my soul.
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