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By: TonyY 19.01.2015 15:40 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Katie Tags:
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trhays57 20.01.2015 17:14 | Flag
So very, very sorry for your loss of beautiful Katie. Godspeed dear Katie and may your people find comfort in knowing that you were well loved and that you loved well in return.
Eli 20.01.2015 07:43 | Flag
I know what you are feeling, having lost my Willy just two weeks ago. RIP sweet Katie, you had a wonderful home and now play with Willy at Rainbow Bridge.
doerscheln 19.01.2015 21:29 | Flag
I am so sorry for your loss. Rip dear Katie.
tele_mark 19.01.2015 21:23 | Flag
It's such a shock when everything seems just fine and then the unthinkable happens. It can be so fast. I'm sorry for your loss.
iluvcats 19.01.2015 17:38 | Flag
Oh no - So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Katie. What a brave, brave girl. They try so hard to keep going for us, don't they. Rest well sweet Katie and you will never, ever be forgotten. Hugs
TonyY 19.01.2015 15:49 | Flag
It breaks my heart to tell you that our lovely cat Katie died today. 15 days ago she was her usual self: bright as a button and dictating the life of the household. The next day she was suddenly clearly feeling ill - quiet and withdrawn, and no appetite. The vet eventually diagnosed pancreatitis, and her kidneys were failing. She hung on for two weeks but eventually the end came. She was 13 years old. A lovely, warm individual who has given so much to me and MrsT. Bless.
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