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By: doerscheln 06.02.2014 12:32 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Paulinchen Moritz Tags:
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iluvcats 07.02.2014 18:41 | Flag
I know how much you adore your furkids my friend ... results sound great!!! xoxoxox
doerscheln 07.02.2014 11:13 | Flag
Thanks, I was sooooo happy yesterday when I got the results. My Donna passed already because of renal failure. She only had 1 1/2 years after the diagnosis. I can only say again, when you have older cats please let check their blood every 6 month. Cats try to hide that they are not well as long as possible.......
Eli 07.02.2014 07:52 | Flag
Es freut mich sehr zu hören, dass es Moritz so gut geht, und auch Paulinchen! Aber jetzt schnell rein in die warme Bude, es sieht sehr kalt aus da draussen!
pmgr111 07.02.2014 01:46 | Flag
Glad to hear you guys are doing well.
tele_mark 06.02.2014 13:26 | Flag
I'm sending my best thoughts out to these two little sweethearts. They do look great.
doerscheln 06.02.2014 12:33 | Flag
It was vet day yesterday and Moritz's blood test results were great. Of course that does not mean the renal failure is gone but it is under control now and the prognosis is very good. Paulinchen's blood test results were not better neither worse. I have increased the pills dose rate today, I hope it will help. But there is another reason I am worried about her, I found a lump on her cheek. The vet thinks it is not dangerous because it is soft and close under the skin and I should have a look at it whether it will grow or not. A surgery would be a risk beause of Paulinchens age and her renal problems.......
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