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By: lovecats 02.12.2013 11:39 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tags:
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tele_mark 03.12.2013 04:28 | Flag
She's a cutie!
MackemCat 02.12.2013 21:37 | Flag
What a beautiful little cat............xx
suelin57 02.12.2013 17:47 | Flag
What a cutie pie.
iluvcats 02.12.2013 17:38 | Flag
Adorbs!!!! ^♥^
lovecats 02.12.2013 13:38 | Flag
Thanks! I was wondering whether to change her name to Hotdog: she behaves like a dog, following you everywhere with a paperball in her mouth, and is permanently at 40ºC, which is pretty nice when she rests on my legs now that it's quite cold even in Catalonia...but Yoda definitely represents her :-)
doerscheln 02.12.2013 12:50 | Flag
Yoda you are a beautiful little cutie ! Your name matches perfectly, love your ears ;)
lovecats 02.12.2013 11:40 | Flag
Yoda getting bigger...
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