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By: MackemCat 28.11.2013 23:55 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Lucinda (aka Lucie Caleb) Tags:
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micino 01.12.2013 15:35 | Flag
I'm so very sorry Greta for this sad news ...I know how much you loved her .... what a terrible decision to take. RIP Lucinda, and a big hug to you Greta
MackemCat 29.11.2013 21:21 | Flag
Thank you both for your kind words that give me comfort.........xx
suelin57 29.11.2013 16:40 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear about Lucinda. It's so hard to have to let them go.
tele_mark 29.11.2013 14:43 | Flag
I'm so sorry. I know how hard this is and hope you get to remember the good times soon, but it takes so much time.
MackemCat 29.11.2013 13:43 | Flag
Thank you so much Eli.......Lucinda will be joining her friends, Bruno, Thomas and Charlene at the pet cemetery. Her funeral will be the 10th or 11th December, I will know when I see cemetery owner tomorrow. Dearest and most beautiful Lucinda, I cannot believe she is gone...........
Eli 29.11.2013 13:36 | Flag
You did the right thing, take comfort in good memories and the wonderful life Lucinda had with you. I'm so sorry for Lucinda and I will miss her so much. Tears....
MackemCat 29.11.2013 12:33 | Flag
Lucinda was finding it difficult to breathe and the sad decision to let her go was taken this morning.. Tabitha saw her and washed her ear..... I think Tabitha knew and Lucinda was comforted seeing her little pal. The vet, Jane, was lovely and caring and explained that Lucinda had severe heart failure which was why she couldn't breathe on her own without oxygen and also that her kidney levels were very, very high. Basically, she was dying in front of my eyes. I'm devastated..........
doerscheln 29.11.2013 11:20 | Flag
These are the hardest moments I know. Be strong !
MackemCat 29.11.2013 10:22 | Flag
Thank you all so much for your kindness. I have just had really bad news......Lucinda is dying.......Her heart is failing and her lungs are not working well either. She is in an oxygen tent at the moment and I am going to see her.......maybe for the last time.......I am taking Tabitha to vets to see her too.............They are such close friends, like little sisters.....x
Eli 29.11.2013 07:46 | Flag
Oh, Greta, I'm so sorry to hear about Lucie, you know she's "my special baby". I will pray for her to come out of this very soon, so that you can enjoy her company for many more years.
doerscheln 29.11.2013 07:36 | Flag
Hope your Lucinda will be better soon ! I'll be thinking of you .
CrazyCatLaydee 29.11.2013 03:37 | Flag
Awww Poor baby!! Hope she makes it. My prayers are with you. Prayers do work we have a miracle kitty that was in critical condition. God please send this little kitty and angel to heal her and bring her back to full recovery, in Jesus name AMEN! <3
MackemCat 29.11.2013 00:06 | Flag
Just a little bit of news. Lucinda has had to be admitted to vets as an emergency. She collapsed as she was being given her medication for her kidney failure, just two hours ago. She is quite poorly and I am very worried. James, the vet, has put her in an oxygen tent to help her breathing and they are going to do some tests on her when she stabilises. Please pray that she will come through this......I haven't been on Picato of much is going on.....this is just terrible.....Poor little thing. She is so small and weak now........When I got to vets, a lady was in and her dog was dying and she was sitting on the floor crying and holding it. Life is just so cruel....I was praying her dog would make it too...........I just can't stop crying........
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