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By: POUPIE 11.09.2013 09:28 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Tags: Clémentine
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gillybean 11.09.2013 17:32 | Flag
So sad and sorry to learn of Clementine's illness. All my thoughts and prayers are with you and with her, fpr a swift recovery.
Hayfa 11.09.2013 17:21 | Flag
Am feel owful of hearing this I hope Clémentine will be just fine oxoxox
Hayfa 11.09.2013 17:21 | Flag
Am feel owful of hearing this I hope Clémentine will be just fine oxoxox
suelin57 11.09.2013 16:34 | Flag
I hope it's just a passing thing, and she will be all better soon, poor baby.
iluvcats 11.09.2013 16:08 | Flag
Oh dear me - Poor baby Clementine - sending prayers that the meds work and she is 100% very, very soon. Hugs and please keep us posted - luv you. I have translated your post: "our tiny Clementine is already sick and puts us in sake, because she sneezes, and she coughs...We have driven her immediately to the vet.She had an injection of anti-inflammatory...We must avoid that she met Pirate for the am very saddened for her and for us.She continues to play however... Please, my faithful friends of Picato, I count on you to keep it, in your thoughts...We already love him lots.On 14 September she will be 4 months"
pmgr111 11.09.2013 15:17 | Flag
I'm sorry to hear Clementine is sick. I hope she did get all her vaccinations which are really important to get at least as they are growing up. I'm thinking of her and sending my best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Chiara74 11.09.2013 13:37 | Flag
Pauvre petite Clémentine, j'espère que ce ne sera pas grave pour toi et pour ta famille, je croise les doigts, et je te fais plein de câlins.
trhays57 11.09.2013 13:36 | Flag
Poor Clementine! Get well soon sweet baby! Your Pirate awaits your companionship. Best thoughts and prayers are with you Marie.
doerscheln 11.09.2013 12:30 | Flag
Oh, no pour little Clémentine. I hope she will recover soon. What about all the vaccinations little cats should get ? Did Clémentine get them all ?Well, I hope it is nothing serious and the little girl can play with Pirate soon. xoxoxo
POUPIE 11.09.2013 09:38 | Flag
notre toute Petite Clémentine est déjà malade et nous met en souci,parce qu'elle éternue ,et elle tousse.................Nous l'avons conduite immédiatement chez le vétérinaire .Elle a eu une injection d'anti-inflammatoire..............Nous devons éviter qu'elle rencontre Pirate,pour l' suis vraiment très peinée pour elle et pour nous.Elle continue à jouer cependant..........s'il vous plaît ,Mes fidèles Amis de Picato,je compte sur vous pour la garder ,dans vos pensées................Nous l'aimons déjà beaucoup.Le 14 septembre elle aura 4Mois
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