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By: shoumi 26.07.2013 05:09 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
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iluvcats 26.07.2013 15:31 | Flag
Welcome, welcome dear Shou-Mi ... you are soooooo awesome and what a fortunate little girl you are! Can't wait for more snaps of your world!
trhays57 26.07.2013 13:20 | Flag
Welcome Little Cat! Shoumi is very beautiful with such wonderful colors and markings. Thank you for finding and rescuing this wonderful kitty. It looks as though she is quite content and well loved. Well done, Mom and Dad!
shoumi 26.07.2013 07:15 | Flag
Hello to our new cat friends and cat lovers around the globe. So fun to be connected with you all! I'll try and get a few more pics of this little lady uploaded soon. Until then, I look forward to browsing the pictures of all the other beauties who are on this site!
Eli 26.07.2013 06:39 | Flag
Hello Shoumi, welcome to Picato! You are such a pretty girl and lucky too to have found a great loving home!
Chiara74 26.07.2013 05:43 | Flag
Bonjour Shoumi, tu es très mignonne, et tu as de la chance d’avoir trouvé une bonne maison, sois heureuse. Caresses de France.
pmgr111 26.07.2013 05:33 | Flag
That's wonderful you gave her a good home. She's a lucky girl.
shoumi 26.07.2013 05:18 | Flag
This is my pretty little girl Shou-Mi (small cat, in Chinese). She was a street cat we found while living in Taiwan. She's a bit leery of new friends, but has a cuddly demeanor with the ones she loves! She now lives with her mommy and daddy on the 11th floor of a gorgeous apartment complex where she spends her day climbing and lounging on her cat tree, soaking up hours of sunshine and watching the tropical birds fly about outside the windows. We love her very much!
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