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By: MoMagrey 03.07.2013 22:57 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Bears Tags:
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iluvcats 04.07.2013 17:38 | Flag
Il will never, ever forget dear Bears and dear Boos. I was privileged to know their stories ... and the rides in the car. They lived such long and honored lives under your love and care. Hugs and I know they are living the dream at the Bridge with so many of our beloved ...
gillybean 04.07.2013 07:45 | Flag
Fondly remembered, sweet Bears. peacefully over the Rainbow Bridge.
Eli 04.07.2013 06:30 | Flag
Remembering sweet Bears...what a lovely kitty!
butterflynye1 04.07.2013 05:19 | Flag
I agree, we owe it to them to relieve their suffering. It is still so luv and thoughts are with you this year later.
tele_mark 04.07.2013 01:37 | Flag
It's the worst decision we make, one of the most painful, if not THE most, decision, and yet we do it because we love them so much, and to not do so is much, much worse. Looking at that face, so sweet and innocent, brings it all back, when I said goodbye to my sweet Daisy. The pain is still there, and yet I don't regret. You did right, and he knows that.
mariah2 04.07.2013 00:47 | Flag
we never forget when we have to make the decision... my thoughts are with you.
MoMagrey 03.07.2013 23:02 | Flag
It has been exactly a year ago (3rd July 2012) since I had to make the decision that every cat lover dreads. I miss you Bears so much, but know that you are waiting for me beyond the Rainbow Bridge with Boos, and the other babies we've lost, happy and at peace. And when my time comes, I will not be afraid, but happy and eager as I will see you again on the other side. God bless
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