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By: tele_mark 17.06.2013 22:14 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Floppy Ivan Robocat Tags: group
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trhays57 18.06.2013 13:28 | Flag
What lucky babies! To have such a wonderful playground and an extra wonderful Dad to care so much.
POUPIE 18.06.2013 09:24 | Flag
le paradis sur terre..................Vous êtes choyés ,comme des petits rois,et vous le savez!.............
Eli 18.06.2013 07:01 | Flag
Lucky kitties! This looks like the perfect place to sunbathe and have a little siesta!
tele_mark 18.06.2013 01:49 | Flag
Despite all this, now a days they go out for maybe 1 hour at the longest, then come back inside and stay there. They've truly become house cats, despite their potential feral beginnings with their mother Daisy.
tele_mark 18.06.2013 01:36 | Flag
I'm working on the outer enclosure now (finally!). Stay tuned!
Claire 18.06.2013 00:55 | Flag
What a fabulous area the gang has to enjoy!
tele_mark 18.06.2013 00:07 | Flag
That's Ivan in the cat bed. Floppy is in the back in front of the dog bed.
scrappy 17.06.2013 23:51 | Flag
These kitties look so content and sweet! Love the round bed Floppy (?) is resting in. Great enclosure.
iluvcats 17.06.2013 22:28 | Flag
What loved kitkats! Awesome deck enclosure for their enjoyment!!!
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