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By: candyapple 06.02.2013 03:45 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Precious strays Tags:
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suelin57 07.02.2013 19:16 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like a real sweetheart.
POUPIE 06.02.2013 15:41 | Flag
Tu étais si Mignonne!.......
butterflynye1 06.02.2013 14:14 | Flag
I'm so sorry for your loss, please let your husband know that accidents happen, hopefully he'll let himself off the hook. Cleo was lucky that you cared for her. love
Roccoco100 06.02.2013 12:53 | Flag
Beautiful Cleo.So sorry to hear about your loss♥
gillybean 06.02.2013 09:22 | Flag
Thoughts and prayers with you as you mourn your precious Cleo. She is with all our precious kitties over the rainbow bridge. Sleep gently, sweet Cleo.
Eli 06.02.2013 07:39 | Flag
I'm so sorry to hear about precious Cleo, but unfortunately accidents happen and noone should be blamed in this case. RIP sweetie.
tele_mark 06.02.2013 04:35 | Flag
candyapple 06.02.2013 03:52 | Flag
My precious Cleo a stray crossed over to the rainbow bridge yesterday. I fed and loved her so much. My husband didn't see her and backed over her backside. He rushed her to the vet but xrays showed a broken spine and messed up intestines. No feeling in her back legs. I am so sick about losing her I cannot quit crying. Its like losing a member of the family. Please if anyone has strays they feed outside go slow and always check behind you a you move backwards. God Bless
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