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By: Gnuppy 23.01.2013 15:45 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Pralina Pimousse Tags:
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POUPIE 09.04.2013 16:06 | Flag
très amusante photo l'Adore..............
pmgr111 09.04.2013 14:15 | Flag
What a grand castle they have.
agroshong 24.01.2013 14:24 | Flag
I'm glad others are looking out for blind cords and is too easy for cats to get hung up on them and hurt themselves. This tent looks fun!
tele_mark 24.01.2013 06:41 | Flag
The very first thing I do when putting new shades in is cut the cords and "cauterize" them at the proper length to allow the strings to hang down to the still when the shade's down. Had a close call early on and learned my lesson with no damage done except to my heart valves, thank god!
Gnuppy 23.01.2013 20:57 | Flag
Oh god, i'm so sorry for your pet..
iluvcats 23.01.2013 18:21 | Flag
Fabulous "tent" for the kids! ♥♥ (PS - please secure that blind cord ... I have had a disaster with a pet due to getting caught up in a cord ...)
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