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By: karen Floyd 08.06.2012 20:43 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: CiCi Tags:
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karen Floyd 14.06.2012 07:55 | Flag
Mahalo to you from: Spain.
Eli 11.06.2012 06:48 | Flag
RIP sweet Cici....aww, this is so sad....they should really live forever, but think of the good times with this beauty, and she will be alive in your memories. Hugs from Spain.
karen Floyd 10.06.2012 01:33 | Flag
Michelle Mahalo for your Beautiful Words
karen Floyd 10.06.2012 01:33 | Flag
They're like butterflies
sprite 09.06.2012 20:27 | Flag
CiCi was beautiful, I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. We humans are so lucky to have our little friends as long as we do.
meeow 09.06.2012 17:12 | Flag
I'm sure they will Claire. Mercury was a sweet boy who loved everyone!
Chiara74 09.06.2012 16:29 | Flag
Quelle tristesse pour vous, j'espère que Cici n'a pas souffert, c'est trop de douleur de perdre son animal tant aimé, et en plus elle était si jolie, amitiés, je pense à vous. Michelle
Claire 09.06.2012 11:39 | Flag
I hope Mercury, and CiCi will let my Cricket play with them up at the bridge.
catgal 09.06.2012 07:21 | Flag
Sorry for your loss...CiCi looks beautiful and I'm sure she lives in your are both fortunate to have spent special time together....
meeow 09.06.2012 04:38 | Flag
My Mercury passed last October. I asked him to look for CiCi and to give her lots of love :)
karen Floyd 09.06.2012 01:20 | Flag
Big hugs
karen Floyd 09.06.2012 01:19 | Flag
Thank you meeow
meeow 08.06.2012 22:35 | Flag
I'm very sorry for your loss...
iluvcats 08.06.2012 21:07 | Flag
So very, very sorry Karen to read that your beloved CiCi has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. 16 years old ... so marvelous ... but I truly know we never, ever, ever have them long enough ... eternity with us would not be long enough ... What a dear pal she was to you ... you gave her a truly blessed life ... I'll never forget her and what she meant to you ... rest well oh brave darling ... hugs
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