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By: katiebird62 13.02.2012 11:55 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Gray Wilder Tags: Sweeties
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Sirminzi 19.02.2012 18:10 | Flag
happy belated birthday to you loveable old boy, you look like a best ager !!
lindazena 14.02.2012 05:02 | Flag
Happy Birthday to you, Gray!
katluvr 13.02.2012 22:44 | Flag
Wow! A very happy birthday to you, Gray Wilder! I'm sure you are being royally spoiled today. Congrats.
eelias 13.02.2012 20:51 | Flag
Phenomenal-what's your secret for cat longevity?
ter3315 13.02.2012 20:34 | Flag
Wow, and he is still gorgeous. Congrats to you and your Gray Wilder. Luv to you both.xxxoooo
iluvcats 13.02.2012 19:17 | Flag
OMG omg O M G 24 - Gray Wilder you are amazing! So thrilled to "know" you! Great job Momma with your "boy"!!! Sigh - - hugs, kisses and ♥♥♥
suelin57 13.02.2012 18:07 | Flag
My goodness, he's 112 now!!! Happy Birthday Gray Wilder!
Eli 13.02.2012 13:22 | Flag
Wooow, 24 years, that's splendid!! Happy Birthday Gray Wilder and may you have many more!!!
Chiara74 13.02.2012 13:05 | Flag
Gray Wilder: Joyeux Anniversaire, tu es très beau, et félicitations à tes maitres de t'avoir si bien soigné. Ceresses.
katiebird62 13.02.2012 11:57 | Flag
Another year has gone by and my precious boy makes through another year! Happy 24th old man!
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