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By: piperbaby 29.11.2011 02:28 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Pooh 2 Tags:
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Sirminzi 30.11.2011 10:27 | Flag
Everything written below is thrue and it needs nothing more ....
piperbaby 29.11.2011 23:30 | Flag
Thank you all so much. Your words are so comforting in this time of sadness. We have all felt the helplessness and emptiness but we get strength from our friends. She is now playing with all the others that have gone before her and is not alone. I love you all.
iluvcats 29.11.2011 17:17 | Flag
Sweet, sweet Pooh 2 .... oh dear kitty ... you were so loved by your Momma and everyone who visited your store. Little Bootsie will so be missing you I know. I know you were so brave during your illness - - kitties are that way ... they so want to keep going because they are so happy on earth when they are cared for and loved so dearly ... It is warm at the Rainbow Bridge and the sun always shines and you will be in the welcoming arms of many, many of our furries there ... I know your Pooh will be waiting at the Bridge to greet you ... rest well sweet, sweet Pooh 2. Tears and hugs to your Momma, Daddy and little Bootsie
FerrisMewler 29.11.2011 10:10 | Flag
So sad, my thoughts are with you. I am reminded of the 'Pets 10 Commandments': "On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so. Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them. Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God's critters. Remember that we do not have to wait for Heaven, to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four legs."
Eli 29.11.2011 07:42 | Flag
Thinking of you, Hilda, in this sad time for you. I know this must be a terrible decision, but if Pooh 2 is suffering, you are doing the best for her. We sure will miss her. Hugs and tears here...
POUPIE 29.11.2011 07:12 | Flag
HILDA, vous etes dans mes pensées et mes prières.Je pense à votre petit Ange,POOH2 ..................
africat 29.11.2011 03:13 | Flag
Poor little Pooh2 - RIP sweet baby, and hugs, tears for you dear Hilda ... you will be in my thoughts tomorrow, for sure.
moulagofre 29.11.2011 02:53 | Flag
Oh, this is so sad, poor little Pooh2. We will miss you darling...
piperbaby 29.11.2011 02:33 | Flag
Hi everyone, a while back I told everyone about Pooh2 being sick. She fought a good fight but sadly tomorrow I will be holding her in my arms as she crosses over to the bridge.
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