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By: moulagofre 28.07.2011 07:59 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Haïku Neko Tags: neko Haïku
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Lulùbella 29.07.2011 19:52 | Flag
Sei troppo simpatico dentro il lavandino ! foto originale ! Bacini !
POUPIE 28.07.2011 18:53 | Flag
superbe prise............j'adore cette photo et ce si beau minou!.........
iluvcats 28.07.2011 15:28 | Flag
Ahh Neko - - what ya doin' in there little one? Cute!
ter3315 28.07.2011 13:31 | Flag
My kitty also runs away from the "cat-sucker".... so cute Haiku Neko, you are safe in the sink.
ter3315 28.07.2011 13:31 | Flag
My kitty also runs away from the "cat-sucker".... so cute Haiku Neko, you are safe in the sink.
Eli 28.07.2011 09:33 | Flag
Poor Haiku, but you are not alone here, Willy is also afraid of the vacuum cleaner and hides inside my sister's bed!
FerrisMewler 28.07.2011 08:55 | Flag
Great picture - my cats scatter all over the house at the sound of the vacuum cleaner!
FerrisMewler 28.07.2011 08:54 | Flag
"My sink! Go away!!"
moulagofre 28.07.2011 08:01 | Flag
Any time I use the vacuum cleaner, Haïku will go and hide in the sink \o/
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Lulùbella, AntonioAndKarin, ter3315,
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