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By: pdale 20.03.2009 21:30 « prev | next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Family Asia Tags:
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pdale 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Love to all of you from our hearts and souls. Thank you for making our day so much brighter with your love and prayers. Always you a a blessing to me, Dale, Spencer, TooTone and Unbelieveably Crazy Ollie!!!!
Teocato 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
O sweet thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray that you have a peace that passes all understanding, that you know that God knows your pain and will wipe away your tears. God bless you!!!!
Stacey 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Dear Dale...this photo brings a thousand thoughts to my mind and the first thought that comes to mind is that you two loved each other very can see it in your eyes...both of your eyes. What a gorgeous photo of you two...sweet Dale and sweet Asia...We love you so much and share in your sorrow ~ Stacey, Marilyn and Whiskers
africat 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Oh Dale, my very deepest thoughts are with you ... I never knew Asia because I joined Picato later, but I share so much in what you are feeling - it is coming up a year in June that I lost my precious boy, Chester. I am choked up thinking of both our beloved babies. Lots of love to you, Vanessa.
Wayne M 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
There are not words that I can come up with to help you through the grief that you are feeling, just know that we all share your pain and are truly sorry for the loss that you feel. Love, Batman
pdale 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
So great to hear from you Great and thank you for your thoughful message. I am sure you miss your Thomas as well. Hil, I will call you this weekend, thanks for you love and support as well. I have been sick a lot and miss everyone here very much.
MackemCat 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Thinking of you so much, Dale and your beautiful little Asia. I understand what you are going through and share your grief. I haven't been around much since I lost my Thomas and I feel sad that I have neglected all my wonderful friends on Picato. Sending you lots of love and comfort. Greta.....xxxxx
piperbaby 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
I share your pain Dale but you will be together again someday. Sweet Asia you are a beautifull girl, Love you
pdale 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
Thank you Lord for 18 loving years.
pdale 14.03.2011 00:32 | Flag
This was the day I took you to have your Peace and to start your journey to the Heaven over the Rainbow Bridge. I love you my little Asia.
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