tele_mark says:
Real strong appetite tonite. I'm feeding him extra on his own after he eats his normal meal because he dropped so much weight in a week, almost a pound. So it looks like it was a liver infection. Whatever it was, it kicked his butt! Thank god for antibiotics!
tele_mark says:
Not sure. It may be from the wellness visit, but she said no other cats that were there in that time period have gotten sick. So we'll see how the steroid shot and antibiotics do.
tele_mark says:
I didn't like how he was acting this morning, so brought him to his other vet. Looks like he's got hepatitis. So, emergency vet visit, sub-q fluids, steroid and antibiotic shot. Cha-ching.....
tele_mark says:
Well, he barfed it up in CatTown, under the bed. I came home from work to a big ugly pile of guts and everything else, LOL! Thank god for Clorox Foaming spray and paper towels! He was on Cloud Nine when I was praising him for being such a great hunter!
tele_mark says:
While getting ready to head out to work today, I did the head count on the cats, and couldn't find Mikesch. So I checked outside once more, and didn't find him. After loading the car, I was going into the house to look for him again, when I walked byu the washing machine, and found him under the shelf there. He had the back legs and tail of a chipmunk hanging out of his mouth! Somehow he managed to catch one in the enclosure! Ambercat went over to him and nearly got his head taken off, and I had to leave for work, so hopefully he won't bring the rest of it upstairs, and will not barf up what he ate!