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04.10.2018 18:43 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Very cute -- probably sees your kitties living the live of luxury!
04.10.2018 18:42 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Hello love!
04.10.2018 18:42 | Flag
iluvcats says:
Hello dear one!
04.10.2018 11:05 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep, Claire and my Dad were great buddies. She wouldn't tolerate this from most other people!
04.10.2018 08:08 | Flag
doerscheln says:
Get 100 % well soon Ambercat ! XO
04.10.2018 06:20 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Improved. Kept his food down, stool a little more solid. Still acting very reserved and quiet though, not the Ambercat I know for sure. I don't like it at all, it's very dis-concerting. It's "The Pattern". The three brothers each got sick in the fall, and were gone by January or February. So, the faster he gets over this, the better *I'll* feel! Hopefully he'll be bouncing off the walls and terrorizing everyone again soon!
04.10.2018 06:17 | Flag
Eli says:
Hello Floyd, you are really handsome!
04.10.2018 06:13 | Flag
Eli says:
Ohh poor boy, hope he feels better today!
04.10.2018 06:00 | Flag
sirlary41 says:
Floyd my lynx point.My neighbor named him after the band.
04.10.2018 05:37 | Flag
doerscheln says:
How is Ambercat today ? I hope much better!
03.10.2018 22:47 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Hartz is the brand that kills. I don't think they're all toxic, but anything by Hartz is a death sentence to pets. Can't do anything for someone else's cat, but will eventually check to see if it is a Hartz collar and find the owner and talk to them if it is.
03.10.2018 18:21 | Flag
tele_mark says:
New neighbor kitten just spotted, wearing a flea collar. A little skittish at first, but eventually came up to me cautiously and sniffed my finger.
03.10.2018 18:19 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
That sucks that he would have gotten it from a vet office. I've never heard of such a thing as a cat virus causing that.
03.10.2018 18:11 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Ambercat at the vet's for a wellness a week ago. Just got back from another vet. He's been throwing up and having the runs for 2 days now. The other vet is pretty sure he picked up a virus at the other vet office. X-ray looked fine, so he was given a shot for his upset stomach.
03.10.2018 16:40 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Mine aren't shy either, especially Storm. That's why I eat at the computer. Only Mikesch will jump up on the desk there and try to steal my food/ But as soon as I make a move to pick him up he's gone!
03.10.2018 05:54 | Flag
doerscheln says:
A beauty !
03.10.2018 05:48 | Flag
doerscheln says:
LOL That would never happen here. My four little devils steal sausage and cheese from my bread while I am eating.
03.10.2018 05:46 | Flag
doerscheln says:
A cool box? Hope it wasn‘t too cold Ambercat ! 😉
03.10.2018 05:44 | Flag
doerscheln says:
03.10.2018 05:38 | Flag
doerscheln says:
What an adorable girl and as orange as my Flynnie, like little foxes. 😀
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