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05.09.2018 18:10 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
This looks pretty serious....any injuries?
05.09.2018 16:24 | Flag
Dimtzort says:
My Zuzu climbs on my record player and so as not to annoy her I switch it off when the side ends!(If I have to change sides I would have to shoo her away).
05.09.2018 16:22 | Flag
Dimtzort says:
Thank God my Zuzu has never scratched or bitten me.Not even in the vet. She always gets a treat after a vet visit.
05.09.2018 14:44 | Flag
pmgr111 says:
Wow is this grandma's place. Nice garden.
05.09.2018 12:57 | Flag
cynthia says:
Yes, I have been there, too!
05.09.2018 01:25 | Flag
Napicat says:
The look in the background is priceless.
04.09.2018 22:05 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Been there....
04.09.2018 21:52 | Flag
Claire says:
Yep, Claire is such a little sucky boo-boo that I sometimes forget that cats do this stuff!
04.09.2018 20:26 | Flag
Napicat says:
That's the best laugh all day. Friendly little bundles of fur until they've just had enough. Still laughing.
04.09.2018 17:43 | Flag
MickeysMom says:
I want to be a Spanish farm cat in my next life!!
04.09.2018 12:52 | Flag
cynthia says:
Morning, Claire. You have a very nice view. Enjoy your day.
04.09.2018 03:51 | Flag
tele_mark says:
What happens when Ambercat annoys Storm. - Unfortunately, I only got the end. The whole thing was pretty spectacular. Never mess with a feral cat, even if you're a total orange nut job!
04.09.2018 03:23 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Night Fight!
04.09.2018 03:22 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Got up for a second and lost my chair again.
04.09.2018 00:24 | Flag
tele_mark says:
04.09.2018 00:23 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Took me a minute...
03.09.2018 22:13 | Flag
tele_mark says:
Understood! Very cool!
03.09.2018 21:45 | Flag
Eli says:
I have two separate sets, one at home in Madrid (Max and Henry) and a big bunch at our country house, very near Madrid.
03.09.2018 21:22 | Flag
Claire says:
03.09.2018 20:24 | Flag
tele_mark says:
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